5GASP - Certification

Hi, 5GASPers.

While navigating your website I read that the 5GASP project is composed of an automated validation pipeline. Let’s suppose I will validate a NetApp in 5GASP’s testbed, will my NetApp receive any type of “certificate” if it is successfully validated by your pipeline? If so, what is the added value of that certificate?

Hello Megoy Chatich,

Thank you for the questions on the 5GASP certification. Yes, your NetApp will receive a 5GASP certificate if the validation is successful by our pipeline.
The different levels of 5GASP certificates are created with different sets of criteria.

  • Bronze – all initial criteria
  • Silver – all initial criteria and a minimum of 50 percent of available expanded criteria points
  • Gold – all initial criteria and a minimum of 75 percent of available expanded criteria points

The certificate would be published on the 5GASP NetAppStore public marketplace portal where you have an opportunity to showcase your NetApp.