5GASP metrics collection from VNFs and CNFs

How does 5GASP collect metrics from VNFs and CNFs? Are those metrics crossed with the networking and infrastructure metrics to determine the root cause of a problem?

Hi Fred,

5GASP runs a specific cluster monitoring service on each testbed (which is independent of OSM), via which it returns both a specific set of metrics and potentially larger sets of such monitoring metrics. The VNF(s) and/or CNF(s) of the Network Application can only be monitored if specific interfaces (ports and/or IPs) are exposed to the cluster monitoring infrastructure. If the application is to be deployed as (a) VNF(s), it must use the deployment of (a) Node Exporter(s) module(s) installed through instantiation (as VNFs cannot be part of a Kubernetes cluster), in order to be monitored. It is up to the developer(s) of the Network Application to determine the root cause of a problem, in the case that the problem can be diagnosed via network and infrastructure metrics, by checking testing reports, norms and performance status, as the Network Application-specific tests and monitoring can be integrated with the CI/CD agents of the deployment testbed.

Thank you for your question and I hope you find this helpful!

Kind regards,
Adrian-Cristian (Chris) Nicolaescu