Hi. As per OSM12 Release notes, “OSM has the capability to monitor NFVI level metrics from Prometheus TSDB as OpenStack telemetry system”, but haven’t found much in the documentation. Is anyone aware to use Prometheus with the OSM mon-collector to get the OpenStack metrics?
Hi Marcia,
Mon uses ceilometer and gnocchi to collect the metrics from Openstack. Last time I looked into this (OSM10) Mon was heavily outdated in regards to ids of the metrics to be collected from openstack. You may update OSM’s code on Mon, however what i find more easy to do is creating your own monitoring stack. For instance, you can install a prometheus node exporter on the VNFs. Then you may update OSM’s prometheus config to scrape your VNF metrics. To do so, your execution environment should have a prometheus-job-template.j2
file which OSM will use to include in the Prometheus configuration (More info in osm_lcm/ns.py · master · osm / LCM · GitLab).